Summer Self-Care

Summer is in full swing in Colorado. Our famous sunshine is often chased away by our infamous (and often brief) afternoon thunderstorms.

While the weather can be unpredictable, it is important for our mental health to maintain consistent rhythms of self-care or self-compassion. This can be difficult particularly when we get busy or overwhelmed. Being patient and gracious with yourself is an important part of moving toward healthier rhythms.

Here are a few tips that may be helpful, wherever you are in your pursuit of self-care:

Be present. Presence or mindfulness can be a great way to foster gratitude and combat anxiety.

  • Make a gratitude list

  • Take off your shoes and feel grass under your feet

  • Meditate (can use an app like Calm, Headspace or a guided meditation from Youtube)

Be active. Moving our bodies can be a great way to relate to ourselves and our environments. 

  • Yoga/stretching

  • Go for a walk or hike

  • Explore somewhere new

Be social. Connecting with others helps us learn and grow in ways we are not capable of on our own.

  • Meet a friend for a meal

  • Go to a community event (free concert, farmers market, etc)

  • Make time to connect through groups or communities with shared interests

Treat yourself. 

  • Get a cup of coffee or tea

  • Stream your favorite show

  • Read a book

At HearHear Counseling, we hope you can enjoy some of the different offerings that Colorado has to offer. And perhaps in doing so, you can slow down and attend to your own self-care. You're worth it.